Before booking your accommodation at Casa Rural Artola, please carefully read its conditions.
Check-In and Check-Out Conditions
Check-in from 11:00h to 13:30h and from 18:00h to 20:00h.
Check other times. Check out before 12:00h.
The accommodation does not include breakfast unless indicated in the reservation, at which time the cost of breakfast will be added.
Pets are allowed except in high season. It is necessary to give notice and it has a cost of 10 Euros up to 7 Kilos and 15 Euros if the pet is over 7 Kilos.
Payment Method
Credit card: Payment on-site at Artola Agroturismo. Credit card data is used as a guarantee.
VAT is included.
In case of cancellation up to 7 days before the arrival date, the hotel will not charge any fees.
In case of cancellation up to 2 days before the arrival date, the hotel will charge 33% of the first night.
In case of late cancellation or no-show, the hotel will charge 100% of the first night.
![Double Room 2 of Artola Agroturismo](